The Whole Body Cryotherapy Process

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The Whole Body Cryotherapy Process


Whole Body Cryotherapy Commences

The CryoSauna releases liquid nitrogen vapour ranging between -120˚C to -160˚C, which envelops the client’s body for 0.5 – 3 min.


Thermoregulation is activated

The process is completely tolerable, yet the body interprets the extreme cold as a threat to its wellbeing. The temperature receptors in the skin send this information to the brain (hypothalamus area), which responds with an attempt to restore balance.


Vasoconstriction occurs

The first step the body takes to protect its core temperature, is to redirect blood from superficial vessels and capillaries in the skin towards deeper structures. This causes blood to flow from the periphery towards the central core.


Vasodilation rebound occurs

After completion of the treatment, the body reheats itself through vasodilation. The vessels and capillaries expand up to four (4) times their normal diameter. This causes a significant increase in blood flow to the skin and extremities, enriching cells with oxygen and enzymes to a much greater degree than under normal balanced conditions.


Hormones are released

Β-endorphins are released, which act as the body’s natural morphine. This has a pain relieving effect throughout the whole body and also creates a sense of euphoria.


Reduction of nerve conduction velocity / pain signal adaptation

The cold exposure drastically reduces the body’s ability to communicate pain signals. After multiple sessions, the body adapts its perception to pain stimuli.


Muscle relaxation takes place

Muscle relaxation leads to relief of muscle spasm.


Anti-inflammatory response

The body’s white blood cells secrete small proteins (cytokines), which are used in cell signaling and ultimately affect the behaviour of other cells. These proteins can be either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. During Whole Body Cryotherapy, pro-inflammatory cytokines are decreased and anti-inflammatory cytokines are increased. This causes a powerful anti-inflammatory response throughout the whole body.


Reduces oxidative stress

The body’s total anti-oxidative status is increased. The body achieves an improved ability to eliminate free radicals, naturalize toxins and repair cellular damage. This process can lead to a powerful anti-aging effect.


Increased metabolism

As part of the body’s metabolic reheating mechanism, additional calories are burnt, often to a degree comparable to an intense workout. Reports suggest that an additional 400 to 800 calories are burned as result of a single WBCT session and that multiple sessions lead to a longer-term increase in metabolism, which can lead to weight loss.


CryoLivingTM in Cape Town is the first company in South Africa to offer Cryotherapy treatments. “Cryo” originates from the Greek which means “icy cold”.

Who's using Cryotherapy

Michelle van de Merwe

Michelle van De Merwe

Rheumatica sufferer

Cristiano Ronaldo

Profesional footballer

Usian Bolt

Olympic athlete

Jennifer Aniston


Floyd Mayweather

World champion boxer

Anthony Robbins

Motivational speaker

Demi Moore


Kate Moss


Daniel Craig


Jessica Alba


Derek Hough

Professional Dancer

Kobe Bryant

NBA player

Mandy Moore

Singer-songwriter & Actress

LeBron James

NBA player

Roberto Mandje

Olympic runner

Wayne Gandy

NFL Player

Lindsay Lohan


Jason Terry

NBA player

C.J. Wilson

Baseball pitcher

Mark Webber

F1 Racing Driver

Treating inflammatory conditions