
Insomnia is typically characterised by:

  • A raised activity level with inner unrest and anxiety that extends into the night with long wake phases
  • Futile attempts to fall asleep, often associated with anxiety that prevents falling asleep
  • Restlessness, muscle tension and heart palpitations or increased pulse rate
  • Fatigue during the day with increasingly poor memory and performance
  • Onset of depressive symptoms is common
  • Secondary insomnia is often the result of chronic pain or other organic disease

Benefits of WBCT in insomnia

  • Insomnia tends to have anxiety and stress as an underlying feature and it is important to address the cause
  • WBCT has been demonstrated to be of benefit as part of a behavioural-therapeutic programme, with improvement of sleep patterns seen after a week of therapy.
  • It has the following benefits:
    o Helps restore disrupted homeostasis in central activity levels
    o Increases a general sense of wellbeing
    o Increases the body’s natural endorphins which help to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression
    o Pain relief

Protocol for management of insomnia

Management protocols are highly individualized, depending on the nature of the sleep disorder