Plantar fasciitis is the most common condition of heel pain. This condition occurs when the long fibrous plantar fascia ligament along the bottom of the foot develops tears in the tissue resulting in pain and inflammation. The pain of plantar fasciitis is usually located close to where the fascia attaches to the calcaneous, also known as the heel bone, but can also be felt as pain along the plantar arch. The condition can be caused by various factors, running and ‘flat feet’ amongst the more common causes.
Local cryotherapy has been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.
The main reason for the success of cryotherapy is the ability to increase circulation to the area by up to 4 times, this allows for 4 times the amount of oxygen, nutrients and repair cells to access the affected tissue. This helps to fast-track healing. Studies are showing that cryotherapy can reduce recovery time by up to 50%.
Added to that is the hormonal response by the body in response to the cold stimulus.
Nor-epinephrine is a powerful anti-inflammatory hormone that is released, this hormone helps to alleviate the inflammation that usually builds up in the plantar fascia.
Endorphins are also released into the area of the affected fascia in response to local cryotherapy. Being a potent pain-relieving hormone in the body, there is an almost instantaneous relief of pain in the affected structure.
- Biostimulating effect leading to faster recovery time
- Increased cellular metabolism
- Increased enzyme activity
- Increased circulation
- Increased oxygenation of tissue
- Reduction of pain
- Interruption in the development of pain memory
- Improvement of associated muscular spasm
- Decreased inflammation
- Increased ability to exercise and maintain mobility