Cerebral Palsy and Stroke Rehabilitation

Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the central nervous system occurring immediately before, or just after, birth. Amongst many parts of the body to be affected, damage to nerves and muscles can lead to increased tension in the muscles and painful spasticity. Increased muscle tone and paresis can occur following strokes in adults as well. Muscle spasticity responds well to WBCT and localised cryotherapy and plays an important role in muscle relaxation and pre-treatment before physical therapy.

Benefits of WBCT in muscular disorders

  • Improvements in gait and walking
  • Improved tolerance of physical therapy
  • Mood improvement
  • Decreased muscle tone and spasticity
  • Reduction in chronic pain
  • Increased spontaneous muscle activity

Suggested protocols in the management of muscle spasticity

It is very important that the physiotherapist and cryotherapist work together with the patient to develop an ideal course of treatment as release of muscle tone can lead to compensatory counter-balancing tension in other muscles.